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Presentation Materials / Materiel de Presentation

To help support the mandate of The National Institute of Disability Management and Research, the materials described below have been developed and are available for purchase.

In order to purchase products, we require you to obtain a NIDMAR user ID, enabling you in the future to just sign in. In this way, a record will be kept of your purchase history which will appear in your personal profile. By signing in, you will be able to purchase additional products in an easy to use environment. This functionality will avoid having you to re-enter personal information.

If you don't already have a NIDMAR user ID, please do so here.

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Presentation Materials / Materiel de Presentation Image

Workplace Disability Management: A Canadian Perspective

This comprehensive presentation package includes up-to-date research, a DVD- The Final Step- a PowerPoint presentation, and a CD-ROM - Disability Management in the Workplace. The materials present convincing arguments and facts to encourage audiences to support the development and implementation of joint, workplace-based consensus disability management programs. The presentation materials are designed in a modularized format to allow presenters to tailor information to the needs of their audience.

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