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Workplace Disability Management: A Canadian Perspective

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This comprehensive presentation package includes up-to-date research, a DVD, a PowerPoint presentation, and a CD-ROM. Since the release of the first presentation materials developed by NIDMAR, substantive research and practical experience have confirmed what many disability management experts believed. Workplace disability management programs provide a "win-win" strategy for workers, workplaces, and the broader society.

The presentation materials present convincing arguments and facts to encourage audiences to support the development and implementation of joint, workplace-based disability management programs. The stark reality that faces many workers with disabilities who want to return to work is placed in a national and then international context. Contrasting the success of disability-related policies and programs in other countries, the presentation focuses on workplace programs as a first step towards significant change.

The presentation materials are designed in a modularized format to allow presenters to tailor information to the needs of their audience.

The Canadian Reality: A Socio-economic Perspective on Disability
Introduces the situation that faces workers with disabilities in Canada. Canada’s disability-related legislative and benefits systems are contrasted with the systems in place in other countries.

Workplace Strategies
Using documented outcomes from successful programs in Canada and internationally, this section builds the case for adopting workplace-based disability management programs.

Developing a Successful Program
Focusing on critical elements of successful programs, this section examines the development of program structures and policies, and defines the roles of the players involved in return-to-work.

The package includes a detailed presentation guide, a DVD - The Final Step, a PowerPoint presentation and a CD-ROM.

Price : $150