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NIDMAR Launches First National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management

On November 25, 1999 the National Institute of Disability Management and Research joined forces with Canada's government, business and labour leaders to announce the launch of the first National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management.

Developed in partnership with major business, labour and government sponsors, the National Awards of Excellence are North America's first consensus-based national awards program recognizing excellence in disability management.

The annual awards will recognize both organizational and individual excellence in disability management - leading edge individuals and organizations who have championed the best principles of disability management and have successfully achieved measurable positive outcomes for workers, employers and society through creativity, cooperation and commitment.

The awards will celebrate programs built on the principles that NIDMAR and international research have found to be instrumental in effective disability management - programs that:

Printed versions of the Application Brochure for the National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management will be mailed on request only. Please email the Institute to request a printed copy. Please specify that you would like to receive a printed copy the "Application Brochure for the National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management" and include your mailing address.

Text only versions of the Application Brochure for the National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management (for screen readers and people with visual impairments) are available on request only. Email here to request a text-only copy. Please specify that you would like to receive a text-only copy of the "Application Brochure for the National Awards of Excellence in Disability Management" and include your mailing address.