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Online CBDMA™ Training

The online CBDMA™ collection tool is only to be used by registered Consensus Based Disability Management Auditors. To Login click on the "Login" link below. If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Login" link then the "password" link on that page and the information will be sent to your email address.


News and Current Events

The CBDMA™ Development Process Leads to a Tool with Integrity
The CBDMA™ is a highly regarded and well-researched tool used to systematically gather information about a workplace's disability management resources and capabilities and can be used by organizations as an evaluation, monitoring, corrective and conformity assessment tool.

The CBDMA™ has undergone an extensive and rigorous development process. The original framework for the CBDMA™ was developed based on a global review of best practices in disability management which revealed key elements that are essential when administering successful disability management programs. These elements build on an independently verified and validated process which defined occupational skills, competencies and abilities for disability management program development and implementation. Both have seen exhaustive scientific, reliable and evidence-based validation at a national and international level.